Join us for our Open Evening on 18 September 2024, 6pm to 8pm

Work Experience

Work Experience Week takes place during The Roseland's Activities Week which is scheduled to take place from Monday 15 July until Friday 19 July 2024.

Work experience is a government scheme offered to school students in Year 10 or above. The student has a placement at an employer's premises. Students are to carry out particular tasks or duties, more or less as would an employee. The emphasis is on the learning aspects of the experience. The experience involves taking on the role of a young worker. Students engage in work tasks while using and developing work skills. They are involved in work processes and experience work environments.

The aim of Work Experience week is to:
  • Give students an idea of what it would be like to work in their desired field of employment
  • Teach students how to be presentable in the workplace
  • Develop transferable skills, such as communication and teamworking.
  • Provide students with an opportunity to relate school studies with a workplace
  • Prepare students for the demands and expectations of the working world
  • Give students an insight into the diversity of employees in the workplace
  • Giving students the opportunity to network and create new connections
The steps that must be followed are (and in this order):
  1. Approval and Consent Form (Yellow booklet) front page must be completed by parent/carer and student to consent to Work Experience taking place for the student. This is to then be returned to either the child's tutor or Mrs Fox.
  2. Once a placement has been found, students are to complete the Employer Form (blue form), which their contact information. Mrs Fox will then make contact with the employer and forward the paperwork for them to complete.
  3. Once the employer has completed the form, we will input the information onto the Veryan website and then forward the form to parents/carers for final approval and sign off from parents/carers and the student to sign on the back page. The school will complete the rest.
  4. Students must attend a mandatory Health and Safety and Safeguarding workshop drop-down day to prepare them for work experience, The Roseland Academy has scheduled for this to take place on Thursday 20 June 2024. Students must undertake this session in order to be able to undertake work experience. If they are absent for any reason on this day, they will have to attend a catch-up session which may take place afterschool.

Every Year 10 student will have been given a Veryan log in and PIN. This website is a database of companies who have previously taken on Work Experience students, these are ideas for the student to look through and apply, please note, this is not an exhaustive list, students may source their own work experience placements from other companies, this will have to be arranged in advance in order for the paperwork and mandatory Health and Safety checks to take place. All employers must have Public and Employers' Liability Insurance to cover the placement.

Further and useful information is available on this link:

Under ‘Information for Students’ it has an example application letter and FAQs, as well a list of more previous placement providers if a student is undecided on what they would like to do and is looking for some inspiration.

Tutors will be able to assist with application letters and CVs where required and we will sort everything else out!

Please see the full link of prohibited placements in the 'Information for Parents/Carers' booklet.

If anyone has any questions, please can they direct these to either their Tutors or Mrs Fox, Leadership Team Administrator - (based in reception)