We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you back on 4th September 2024.


Drama is rooted in teaching students key skills for collaboration, communication, developing ideas, performance, and analysing and responding to stimulus. Students engage with a range of drama texts and are asked to explore and evaluate how what we can learn from styles of theatre can enable us to make sense of the world around us. Students are equipped to respond, communicate and create through Drama.

The skills learnt within Drama help equip our students with the ability to communicate clearly and with confidence. Students work independently and in groups, ranging from pairs to whole class productions. Whether it is playing panto dames or using freeze frame sequences to convey complex concepts, students get involved in a wide range of activities. In Drama, students explore written scripts as well as writing their own. Through this they gain an understanding of characters and plot structures, as well as a range of staging techniques. Drama provides students with the opportunity to explore important issues and themes in a safe and productive environment, whilst at the same time allowing students to explore their own self-expression.

Key Stage 3

Students are taught to:
  • recognise and use basic dramatic techniques, including freeze-frames, sequencing, mime, spotlighting, hot seating and thought tracking
  • understand characters and develop empathy skills
  • understand staging, including set design and props
  • interpret and perform scripts, exploring different methods of characterisation
  • convert prose to script form
  • create their own scripts and improvise
  • gain an awareness of audience, including the purpose of dramatic irony