We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you back on 4th September 2024.

Student Incentives

B+ Points

What are B+ points?

B+ are like merits, when a student has done something well or has gone above and beyond in a task, staff may award them with a B+ point. B+ points recognise positive behaviour in order to celebrate and create social norms of behaving well.

Students can achieve B+ in the following ways:

Ready: Awarded for students that have been consistently prepared and ready for learning
Respectful: Awarded for students that have shown a high level of respect towards others

Safe: Awarded for students that have gone above and beyond to create a safe environment for all

Kindness: Awarded for acts of kindness, in and outside of lessons

Good progress: When students have made improvements either during the lesson or over a period of time studying a particular topic in lesson

Good work: when a student produces a piece of work in class that goes above and beyond

On task: for students that consistently work well on a particular task in lesson

Perseverance: students that show resilience during a task or topic

Sharing: students who share positive ideas and support others

Homework: For homework that has been completed to an exceptional standard

Reading: For continuing to share the love for reading, independently or as a group in lessons

Contribution: For contributing positively to a lesson

Exceptional: these are awarded for students that go above expectations. This may be in or outside of lessons, for example completing additional homework tasks, or showing exceptional support towards their peers.

What are B- points?

B- are recorded to track Low level disruption and organisation.

What are the aims of these points?

As they are recorded in real time during lessons by staff, it shows an outline of how a student’s day is going.

They are shared with tutors daily in order to celebrate student achievements and hard work or to discuss behaviour or equipment or uniform concerns.

They are reviewed by the Learning Leader fortnightly and can contribute to Rewards Trips!