We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you back on 4th September 2024.

Medical Information

It is essential that we are informed of any aspects of medical history that could have significance on your child’s day to day activities in school.

It is important that we know if any student is regularly taking any prescribed medication.

All medicines must be left in the medical room where only those students for whom they are prescribed will have access to them. Staff will not normally administer medicines without written permission and signed instructions from parents.
We can only dispense paracetamol to students who have written permission from a parent/carer.

Your child should carry his/her own asthma inhaler and keep a spare in the medical room.

If your child has an allergy and may suffer an anaphylactic reaction, we require that they keep two epi-pens in the medical room and also carry one with them at all times.

Our first aiders have been requested not to use any antiseptic creams or ointment for minor cuts and abrasions.

If a student has a medical or dental appointment in school time the appointment card should be shown to the form tutor. Students must sign out at the office and sign in when they return.

Asthma Care Plan
You will be pleased to know that the school takes it’s responsibility to students with asthma very seriously. Please contact the school if your child suffers from asthma so that we can discuss with you the steps that will be taken to ensure your child’s safety and health.

In conjunction with Brook, Sexual Health and Contraceptive Service for Cornwall, The Roseland Academy operates the C-Card scheme for our older students delivered by qualified members of staff. For more information, please see https://www.sexualhealthcornwall.co.uk