We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you back on 4th September 2024.


  • Students develop subject-specific skills and use Music technology to express their personal response to a creative stimulus.
  • Students investigate techniques used by a wide range of musicians from different genres and musical periods, and present their own work in response to this knowledge.
  • Students are entitled to be inspired by the Music and styles being studied, and challenged to be creative and ambitious in their work.
  • Students develop empathy and respect for others through listening to other people's work and praising their achievements.
  • Students have the opportunity to showcase their work, for example in performance, both at concert level and in the classroom in front of their peers.
  • Students understand their individual creative journey and where this could lead them at post-sixteen and careers.

Our goal is to make music accessible, enjoyable and engaging for every student at The Roseland Academy. We have a team of experienced and highly qualified staff that specialise in all aspects of the subject creating diverse and varied schemes of work.

We provide an exciting extracurricular programme of activities and clubs enabling students to experience the joy of creating and performing music with others, within a range of musical genres and styles.

The main teaching classroom is equipped with keyboards, guitars, ukuleles, drum-kit and grand piano. We also offer computer access for all students and provide music software for developing creative and music technology skills.

Year 7

At the beginning of Year 7, students begin learning a number of songs in preparation for their first big concert called ‘The Big Sing’ which takes place before October half term. They then go on to learn basic keyboard skills through the ‘Lean on me’ project. Then later in the year they get to form their own band and perform a song, learning the relevant ensemble skills and also how to play a number of chords. Students also learn to read and write music in treble and bass clef notation and to understand the Elements of Music. In the summer term they further develop their performance skills through a project on Sea Shanties.

Year 8

Year 8 students continue to develop both their ensemble and solo performance skills, whilst also broadening their musical knowledge through the study of Indian music and The Blues. Students develop their understanding of music theory by studying ‘Majors and Minors’, and build on their knowledge of the orchestra by studying how the Symphony developed through the musical periods.

Year 9

Year 9 Music at The Roseland Academy offers students the opportunity to build on their instrumental and ensemble performing skills by performing as part of a live band to their peers. Students also take part in a ‘Pachelbel’s Canon’ project in which they look at a Ground Bass and also how texture can be used and varied in Music.Students also study the use of music in film, using computer software to create their own music to a given film scene.