We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you back on 4th September 2024.

Celebrating Success

We are very proud of our students’ successes, both in and out of the school environment, and like to take every opportunity to celebrate them.

Ways that we celebrate student achievements is through B+ points, which add up throughout the term. Students with the highest B+ points in their year groups get treated to a rewards trip to somewhere local near the end of the term, examples of places are The Eden Project or Newquay Zoo.
We also send praise texts to parents/carers to let them know if their child has performed well in a particular subject.

If a student has stood out for doing something exceptional during their time at school they are awarded with a Headteacher’s Commendation Certificate which are usually handed out during year group or end of term assemblies.

We also nominate students for the annual Truro and Roseland Learning Community (TRLC) Awards. These awards include the following categories:

  • Leadership
  • Sporting achievement
  • Outstanding progress
  • Endeavour under difficult circumstances
  • Outstanding contribution to others
  • Contribution to the Wider Community
  • Creativity

Within school, we also hold our own Roseland Awards event. As with the TRLC Awards, our awards recognise both social as well as academic achievements and categories are department led so we can showcase different students who shine in different subjects.

Another way that we celebrate student success is via our school Facebook page, and our termly Roselander Magazines.